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Playing Age: 40's-60's.

Characteristics: Breathy, Smoky, Warm, Relaxed.

Accents: Neutral with a hint of Blackpool/Lancashire (Native), Mancunian, RP, East London, Essex, Northern Irish, General Scottish, General American, New York, Spanish.

Studio: No home studio, but happy to travel.


Commercial Reel
00:00 / 01:04
Documentary Reel
00:00 / 01:04
Animation Reel
00:00 / 01:04
Audiobook Clip (Para)
00:00 / 01:04
Audiobook Clip (The Dog)
00:00 / 01:04
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Anthony, who is originally from St Annes-on-sea in Lancashire, has been a professional actor for over thirty-five years.

He has worked in both theatre, including The National Theatre, Almeida Theatre, and throughout the West End, as well as in television, and film production.

Anthony is highly experienced in the world of corporate video, and communication training.

Voice-over work includes character-driven audiobooks, high-end corporate advertising, and commercials.

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