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Playing Age: 16-30's.

Characteristics: Deep, Warm, Resonant, Smooth, Versatile.

Accents: West Midlands/Birmingham (Native), Staffordshire, Derby, Softer East Midlands, RP.

Languages: English, French (Beginner-Intermediate).

Studio: Home Studio.


Commercial Reel
00:00 / 01:04
Narration Reel
00:00 / 01:04
Audiobook Reel
00:00 / 01:04
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Edd is a voiceover artist and classically-trained session musician based in London.

Born and raised in the West Midlands, Edd juggled his multi-instrumental music studies with training at The Television Workshop in Birmingham, before moving down to London at 18 to study journalism, and eventually working his way into the music industry.

As well as being an experienced session musician, who tours and travels the world performing at historic venues, festivals, on TV, and radio, Edd also has acting credits on TV and stage too.

Edd's voice has the ability to be both commanding and assured, as well as warm and conversational, particularly in combination with his natural Midlands accent.

He is a self-confessed football obsessive and, as a proud Midlander, would like to state on record his thanks to Cillian Murphy for his work in bringing the Brummie accent into the mainstream.

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