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Playing Age: 6-32.

Characteristics: Warm, Youthful, Energetic, Charismatic, Convincing, Passionate, Clear, Down to earth, Girl next door, Innocent, Conversational.

Accents: RP/Neutral/South/Kent (Native), London, American-California, American-Southern States, American-Standard, Australian, Cockney, English-Standard, Essex, Estuary English, Heightened RP, Scottish, Northern.

Languages: English (native) and Spanish (conversational).

Studio: Home Studio.


Commercial Reel
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Corporate Reel
00:00 / 01:04
IVR Reel
00:00 / 01:04
Character Reel
00:00 / 01:04
Audiobook sample 1
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Audiobook Sample 2
00:00 / 01:04
Audiobook Sample 3
00:00 / 01:04
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Felicity is an experienced voiceover artist, actress and singer, with a friendly, captivating, and youthful quality to her voice.

She was born and raised in Kent, and has a Southern English/London accent, but has a versatile range of characters and accents under her belt.

Her varied portfolio includes working for the likes of Amazon Music UK, Vision Express, Fullers Brewery, Schweppes and Unilever, as well as character voices for a modern folk tale series, and a villainous red cat in an online animation.

Felicity also speaks conversational Spanish.

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