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Playing Age: 18-35.

Characteristics: Warm, Velvet, Friendly, Professional, Relatable, Conversational, Soothing.

Accents: London (Native), RP, West African.

Languages: English, Krio.

Studio: No home studio, but happy to travel.


Compilation Reel
00:00 / 01:04
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Lewis' voice will be able to assist you in whatever your goals are for your project - whether its providing emotion, conveying a message, or communicating your mission.

He can work in many mediums including: commercial, corporate, animation, radio plays etc.

After undertaking acting courses at Academy of Live & Recorded Arts, and Arts Educational Schools, his venture into voiceover work has given him the opportunity to work with companies like: Gymshark, UCAS, and University of York.

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