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Playing Age: 20-40.

Characteristics: Warm, Engaging, Memorable, Melodic, Upbeat, Distinctive.

Accents: Midlands (Native), Birmingham, Manchester, London, Liverpudlian, Caribbean, French.

Studio: Home Studio.


Compilation Reel
00:00 / 01:04
Tinder Clip
00:00 / 01:04
Louis JJ.jpg



Louis is an actor/presenter from the Midlands, with a unique sounding voice. Influenced by his family and upbringing, which ranges from a seamless Northern Mancunian twang, melodically flowing down the M1 to hearing the broad Midlands effect, and also from time to time resonances of urban London appears.
Louis has a naturally high energy and engaging sound, but can also play the cool, playful, and seductive roles, as recently heard on radio for the new Tinder commercial.
Louis has a home studio and is very enthusiastic and passionate about collaborating and making great, creative work! 

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