Playing Age: 20-39.
Characteristics: Fresh, Lively Persuasion, Engaging, Sincere, Warm.
Accents: Highlands (native), Grampian, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Western Isles.
Studio: Home Studio.
Steve has a neutral Scots accent, with a fresh and lively persuasion. His engaging Scottish lilt brings life to any project, with the sincerity and warmth you’d expect from a Highlander.
Hailing from Inverness in the Highlands, Steve grew up with the local theatre and radio station, and has never looked back. He studied in Edinburgh before founding a career in the audio & radio sectors.
Steve has over 15 years of top industry experience voicing TV & radio commercials, station imaging, podcasts, online videos, audiobooks, educational material, award ceremonies, and more.
With a production background, he takes direction well, and knows how to deliver exactly what you need.